Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Good Times at Tall Pines

We’ve made a few waves with our Tall Pines Marina, and we’re making more as we move forward with the construction at Cameron Bay in Kenora, On.

Construction will continue to taking place over the winter months so don’t worry; we’re still scheduled to open for the 2014 boating season!

What can you expect to see for Spring 2014? How about 80 boat slips to start, a marina, fueling station, service docks and ample parking! The second phase of Tall Pines will open into the next year, and we’ll be adding another 120 boat slips, more docking, a tasty restaurant, plus service and storage buildings at our Winnipeg Sport and Leisure ‘On-water’ dealership.

Check out our Facebook page for all the latest Tall Pines Marina updates, and let us know what you think! Spring will be here before you know it, but in the meantime, pop into either of our locations to check out what we have in store for winter fun!

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Winterizing Your Boat

It’s about time to say goodbye to summer, pack up the boat, and grab your sled. However, since we’ve yet to see the first snow fall, let’s stay focused on your boat!

Following the proper steps for winterizing your boat is very crucial and beneficial for the longevity and life span of your boat Winterizing your boat at the end of the season is the best way to guarantee that next season is full of trouble free memorable water adventures, because a properly winterized boat will be clean, safe and ready to run come spring.

 The professionals at WSL specialize in knowing how to service/ shrink-wrap and store your boat over the winter season. 

While you're here make sure to check out our winter toys that'll keep you busy till the spring!

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Which Boat is Right for Me?

We saw stacks of WSL action this past June and we attribute a good portion of it to our WSL Boat Demo Day in Kenora

Saturday June 22 was the day to “try before you buy!" We had a boat in the water of every brand we carry.

Whether you were in-the-market to purchase, or simply curious as to whether the brand performs as well as we say, it was a perfect chance to find out!

With so many makes and models available, a frequent question potential boat owners ask themselves is  “which boat is right for me”?

Matching a boat with an owner comes down to lifestyle. What do you plan on using the boat for? What type of activities - fishing, boarding, family, or leisure? That will play a large role in the boat you choose.

For an exciting and improved boating experience we have all the bases covered.  WSL is proud to deliver trouble free boats that match your summertime lifestyle.

We felt it would be beneficial to match the boating lifestyles we come across with and pair them with some of the brands we carry.

If you’re a fan of sport boats and cruising in style, you’ll likely be drawn to Cobalt.

Cobalt boating is so much more than tubing and fishing (despite those being great summer activities). Cobalt boats  are set out to evoke passion for the boating lifestyle. A lifestyle to share with your close friends and family – a lifestyle where you do not accept mediocrity.

If you’re a fan of wakeboarding, surfing, skiing, or pretty much doing anything extreme on the water, Malibu  is the boat you’ll want to take a look at.

With meticulous attention to detail and development input from today's top pros, there's a reason why Malibu is the number one, best selling boat in the world. And owners will agree, there's just something way cool about the Malibu vibe that is unmatched by any other experience.

Are you a fan of kicking back and relaxing on the water? Then you’ll probably be a fan of the Harris Floteboat.

Incredible power for watersports, spacious wraparound lounges, and an onboard entertainment center are just a few reasons why a Harris Flotebote is so much more than a pontoon. Some people call it “floating luxury”

If you want the ultimate fishing experience, look no further than a Lund  die hard fisherman who demand great fishing boats.

Leave us a comment if you feel we left out the type of lifestyle you live, or come by WSL to see what we have to offer.